Monday, 5 August 2019

Room 6 Rocket Test Launch

This is our wonder project test launch. On the first day of our wonder project
we had a man called Pete come into our class and teach us about rockets. He
told us all about what a rocket should have and not have. The next week he
came in he told us everything about the safety rules around a rocket/bottle rocket.
The next week we all had to bring some 1.5 litre bottles to start making our rocket.
We made our rockets out of 1.5 litre bottles, Cardboard for the fins and ice cream
lids for the fins. A few weeks later we did some test flights with our rockets then
this is the results. This isn't all of them sadly our one wasn't in this because our
one went the highest lol.

1 comment:

  1. hi im thomas your project sounds cool i may need to try this.
    i hope you are doing good.
    keep up the great work have a good day.
