Tuesday, 9 May 2017

plastic fantastic.

  1. What items do we use that are made from plastic?bottles cups and tables chairs and plates./
  2. How long have we been using plastic?it has been use for about 60 years.
  3. Where does plastic come from?plastic can either be found everywhere but it can also be man made

1.How much oil is consumed every year?an average of about 19.63 barrals per day.
2.What other things do we use oil for?food,plastic,synthetic fabrics,asphalt,cleaning products,medicines,synthetic rubber.
3.Who are the three main countries that produce oil? Canada,china,russia.

  1. What different types of plastic do we use every day?takeaways plastic bouls.
  2. Why is plastic difficult to recycle?because you can’t wash them properly and it will go to the landfill

We can Reduce
Explain what reduce means to you? To me reduce means dont waste your food just wrap it up or somthing.
                We can Reuse       Explain what reuse means in your own                                                                                               words?reuse is when you have a bottle or something you can wash it and reuse it and full it up with some water or something.

We can Recycle
Explain what recycle means in your own words?to me recycle means when have plastic stuff or something you can create something with it.